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Heroes Imagined introduces the idea of everyday heroes through a delightful mix of imagination, information, and photography. Our goal is to write fun stories that encourage children to relate to the challenges our characters face, to develop their curiosity, and to increase the dialogue between children and adults about all the choices children wrestle with growing up. We believe that anyone can be a hero. We invite our readers and listeners of all ages to discover the hero in themselves and in each other.

“I hope my stories will not just entertain, but also serve as catalysts for children and adults to talk about the day-to-day encounters that are the tales of the wants and needs that matter to each and every one of us.”

— Janice Allen Williams, Author

Discover the Hero in You

“You make each day special just be being you.”

— Fred Rogers, creator of Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood

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Everyone has a hero inside them, every child, every adult. You can be a hero in your own life just by being the best version of yourself. If you ask people how heroes behave, they describe people who are kind, generous, thoughtful, accepting, nurturing, brave, and helpful. We know each of us can be all these things. Sometimes, you will have to make hard choices to be your best self, but you can do it!

The magic of being a real hero is taking responsibility for yourself, for your actions and your words. If you hurt someone, you apologize. If you make a mistake, you admit it and correct it … and then you try not to hurt people in the same way, or make the same mistake, again. That is what being the best version of yourself means. Grow and learn. Do your best to make good choices and decisions about how you act, where you go, who you spend time with, what you eat, and what you do. With every choice, you are shaping yourself.

For over thirty years, there was a children’s television series called Mr. Rogers’ Neighborhood. Fred Rogers, the creator and star of the series, designed these programs around the idea that people grow best in relationship with other people. It is important to think about our relationships and how we take care of them. Each of us does better when we are connected to others.

Our stories use what is called personification. Even though we don’t really know what our characters are thinking, as we watch them in the natural world, we imagine what their interactions mean, and we imagine they are thinking and behaving just like people.

Heronymus is a big bird with a funny name who feels different and alone. He is a stick-to-himself bird, except when he is getting into mischief trying to steal fish from the fishermen. Heronymus thinks that other birds don’t like him because he is so different. See how being the best of himself turns Heronymus into a hero and how he finds himself surrounded by new friends.

Piper is a happy sociable brown pelican until she must learn something new and is afraid she will fail. Though she tries to teach herself, she isn’t confident she can be successful. She decides to be brave and asks her friends for help. Her friends offer their support, but Piper has an important lesson to learn about what her best self can do. Sometimes showing up and trying hard is all it takes to be a hero.

We hope our stories will encourage you to share more of yourselves and be the best that you can be. We would love to hear from you. Share your stories with us at info@HeroesImagined.com.

Meet Janice Allen Williams

I am an avid photographer, a writer, and a nature lover. Through my photography, I try to capture moments, memories, and scenes that touch or excite me. As a writer, a teacher, and a consultant, I am passionate about learning, personal growth, relationships, and discovering the hero within each of us. Nature is abundant with metaphors and lessons. My stories bring them all together.

I love making the connections between what I notice in the natural world and what goes on between human beings. I believe the challenges of growing up — acceptance, inclusion, differences, courage, support, boundaries, friendship, and community — are often among the least discussed topics with our children. In my work as an organization development practitioner, I have found these same challenges to be the ever-present learning opportunities for adults, as well.

As the world gets smaller, and technology steals our time and alters the quality of our contact with one another, I hope my stories will not just entertain, but also serve as catalysts for children and adults to talk about the day-to-day encounters that are the tales of the wants and needs that matter to each and every one of us. Perhaps if you consider the ways my bird friends solve their problems, you will discover the hero in you.

My husband and I divide our time between my beloved New Hampshire and our wonderful snowbird community in Florida. Both are perfect venues for all my passions.

Janice Allen Williams

An avid wildlife photographer, Jan fell in love with a great blue heron she named Heronymus, and, with her camera, captured his best angles and his shadow. With a children’s story using wildlife photographs in mind, she recruited an old high school friend, Richard Skaare, also a writer and photographer, and together they visualized and wrote a tale that stirs the imagination and inspires heroism among readers and listeners.

Richard Skaare

Meet Richard Skaare

Co-author of “Heronymus Heron Discovers His Shadow (and a Whole Lot More)”

Richard has spent his life listening to and telling stories. He is a worldwide traveler, a writer, a photographer, and a grandfather. Richard was impressed by Jan Williams’ photos of a Great Blue Heron and together they created a fun story of a bird they named Heronymus who realized that differences can enhance friendships, and shadows can make great dance partners.

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